Thursday, July 19, 2007

Now, onto the main attraction: hangin' with the Children

Prayer was the theme of the VBS this year. Every story that we told, dealt mainly with that.

-Praise and Worship -

- Sword Drills -

- The Lessons!!! -

Day 1- Elijah and the Prophets of Baal
- We pray to God because He is powerful and loving.

<--- the prophets of Baal, praying to their God... unsuccessfully though.

Craft time!!!

Day 2- Daniel and the Lion's Den
- We pray to God when things are not going well at all.

Daniel and the Lion's Den Craft!

Day 3- Jonah and the Whale
- We pray to God because

Day 4- Hannah, and her gift of the baby.
- We pray to God because He supplies our wants and needs.

Day 5- Jehoshaphat's army
- We pray to God for direction and guidance.

Day 6- Opening a door for prayer.
- We are able to pray to God, because Jesus took down the veil of sin that was up
between men and God.

- Snack & Craft time!!! -

- Game time!!! -

- The Store!!!! -

Throughout each day we would hand out "Bible Bucks" to the kids, which would then allow them to come to "the Store" to buy various toys. A kid could earn a Bible Buck by winning games, sword drills, good behavior, trivia, bringing their bible, etc.

Marco is demonstrating the largest, and most expensive of the toys.
Store time!

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